Tuesday, October 30, 2012


National Novel Writing Month. OH BOY!!!

For a cool breakdown or a place to get some questions answered, please refer to this website: NaNoWriMo

So National Novel Writing Month is November, which means that the writers of the world sometimes attempt to write a whole novel within a month. On the link I placed above, there is a website that helps to keep track of a word count, and the word count goal is to hit 50,000 words by the end of November. So when it hits 11:59PM on November 30th; 50,000 words. Done. URMAGAWSH.

So I've been participating in NaNoWriMo every year since 2005 and have 'won' every year. I haven't tried to get any novels published yet because I always find a litany of complaints with every story I've ever put to screen or paper. Also to give a bit of a boast, I do have a Bachelor's Degree in English with a concentration in Creative Writing from Central Michigan University. Har har, I picked a major I like and will probably live in a box someday. NOT YET THOUGH! I minored in Business Administration, so I can prove I'm good with words and numbers on a fancy piece of paper! ...moving on....

So for the month of November I will be trying to post every day that I write (sometimes I write more on days because I know the next day I will be unable to write) with my word count, and whatever is happening in the story. Or my life. Or a rambling. I don't know yet. At the very least, I will post my word count.

If you do not want to read about my NaNoWriMo ramblings, please ignore my blog until December 1st. It will resume to be sane at that point and I will probably pick up books by December 5th to plunge into and review.

Happy writing!

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