Tuesday, January 8, 2013


I am here to give you a weird news update.

I have about five posts hoarded for rewards when donations are made to my computer fund. Don't know what I'm talking about? TOO BAD IT'S OVERRRRRR (Link removed on 4/11/13).

The next book I read, the review will be posted publicly  I'm sure you've been waiting for something good, but we'll see what happens.

Some things that have happened in my personal life (ALL THE REALLY BORING STUFF, HURR HURR HURR).

My sister went back to the land down below (a state in the south, I just wanted to remind anyone who's old enough of a terrible song; or Austrailia...).

While at Meijer (a local Walmart essentially), I observed a woman sniffing scented candles before licking them. She did this for about two rows of candles. She moved on without any scented candles in her basket. ...No, I don't really know what to make of it either. I just wanted to share some weirdness that occasionally happens in my life.

I've never shared this tidbit, but I do work 40 hours a week on third shift (9pm to 5:30am; when I go into work, I get out INTO THE FUTUREEEE). I don't know why that's relevant. ...I HAVE A JOB. DEAL WITH IT.

Probably sharing too much, but the SHOW MUST GO ON. I'm really looking forward to Valentine's Day this year as I'm going to surprise my boyfriend with something completely unexpected, and something that's probably expected. YAY GIFTS.

After going through some of my belongings and discovering that I apparently hoard useless items solely because someone gave it to me, I have been determined to give gifts that are either useful or something that I know without a doubt that they want. This method pleases me greatly.

The title of this post was inspired by my current MUST LISTEN TO song: Elle de mit by MIKA. I don't know any french, but I love the sound of the song. The part that I can sing is when it goes DANCE DANCE DANCE and that's basically what I spend the song waiting for. ...yeah.

I think I'm being obnoxious now.

...in conclusion, I AM NOT DEAD.

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