Monday, November 26, 2012

Day 26

Uh, crap. Well, it's been a few days since I've updated so here is what has happened.

-I'm closing in on 50,000 words.
-I like Minecraft a lot. (CURSES! This should have happened AFTER November.)
-I'm going to try and break 50,000 words this morning actually.
-I'm awake in the morning now. (Where did the night go? I sleep during that now? Weird...)
-It's started to snow intermittently in Michigan (YAY!!!)

Because I am potentially finishing the 50,000 word mark today, I would love to say that I'm going to get a head start on the books that have been waiting for me.


Even though I'll hit 50,000 words today, my story isn't done yet. So I'll probably continue to work on it for the rest of November and read for December.

Happy writing! :)

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